When the Holy Spirit still shows up on the day of Pentecost

#HolySpiritPower When the Holy Spirit shows up, all your focus better be on him or else you’ll loose it. I have availed myself  and so I study hard and do my best to present myself to God as one approved, a worker who had no need to be ashamed,, rightly handling the word of truth Amen 2 Timothy 2:15
#AwesomeGod #ThereIsHopeInJESUS #BeEncouraged #EvangMFavour

The Holy Spirit my counselor, teacher, comforter and more for real

Do you have a relationship with the Holy Spirit? Me I do oooooo and call him my 24/7 Oga. He is my counselor, teacher, comforter and more. I hope my soul sharing on that relationship encourages you to cultivate one with hallelujah


How to stay awake through the prayer vigil in church

#SeekingGod #KnowingTheHolySpirit #HolySpiritPower last night we had a vigil in church Eden Life & Love Ministries , and we can join online thanks to Google meet. Now, if you know you know there is always a resistance to such a spiritual exercise. Me I always beg the Holy Spirit to help his girl and I obey every instruction. Last night, I started attending in my room and then the yawns became a distraction. So I went out to my office and the mosquitoes kept me awake 
Once the rain seized I went to the front of the house until cold taught me a lesson . I then moved back to my room and was able to push through to the end. I share to encourage you on your own spiritual journey oooo #AwesomeGod #ThereisHopeinJesus #BeEncouragedToday #EvangMFavour