
Highlights of a soulful weekend

This weekend was a remarkable one for me as I wrapped up a total of 7 nights and 7 days of a soulful retreat at church.

I finished studying two important books and did their reviews. You can watch these reviews on my YouTube channel at the following links

On my return home today afternoon, I did my Sunday usual SSS (Sunday Soul Sharing) and then passed out for a much needed rest hallelujah

All in all, it was a great week and weekend and I hope the above highlight can encourage you to find the highlights in your own weekend too, and celebrate those hurray. Thank you for reading and watching.


Daily Scriptures Refresh 18.01.24

Daily Scriptures Refresh 18.01.24

‭‭John‬ ‭14:21‬ ‭AMP‬‬
[21] The person who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and reveal Myself to him [I will make Myself real to him].”

‭‭John‬ ‭14:23‬ ‭AMP‬‬
[23] Jesus answered, “If anyone [really] loves Me, he will keep My word (teaching); and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our dwelling place with him.

‭‭1 John‬ ‭5:2‬ ‭NLT‬‬
[2] We know we love God’s children if we love God and obey his commandments.

Posted in Coaching and Therapy, Marie's Garden, Mental Health Advocacy

Marie Abanga on Mental Health and Services she offers


Hello world, after passing my exams in flying colours recently; setting out on a journey to launch a much desired and needed service as a CBT therapist and mental wellbeing coach, so grateful for all the support.

Have a great week everyone

My Faith and my mental health are not enemies

#keepingitreal #mylife #myidentityinChrist #mymentalhealthmatters I finally made up my up my bed two days after I returned from the mission to Mfou. I had been sleeping on the floor all this while and nothing guarantees I will sleep on the bed this morning after our church vigil. Does it matter what people think about me and if am lazy or justified in my approach to life or not? Does this change who I am in Christ??? My mental and all holistic health matters more to me than just a made up bed just saying. I share to inspire motivate and encourage someone. Don’t be too hard on yourself, God got you, and what He says about you should suffice…His Grace is sufficient for me hallelujah #AwesomeGod #ThereIsHopeInJESUS #keepthefaith #gratefulthankfulblessed

Knowing God and Serving God: some of my journey so far

KnowingGod #ServingGod I remember when the Lord started teaching more seriously in 2022. He instructed me to go to a particular bookstore and buy a ledger, pens, a ruler and a marker. Uhu two years later I have finished using two ledgers and done lots of practicals too, and there is still so much to learn. I hunger and thirst for more of Jesus, and will go wherever he wants me to go knowing that I will learn of him more as he reveals himself more to me through it all. I am ready for the first part of my missionary trip to the village of Mfou in the Center Region of Cameroon my country, and I am so excited I can’t even sleep. I am just trusting and obeying the lead of the Holy Spirit with so much gratitude, and God never fails so there’s nothing to fear hallelujah #AwesomeGod #ThereIsHopeInJESUS #HolySpiritPower #gratefulthankfulblessed #BeEncouragedToday #EvangMFavour

How I go to the villages on mission ooo

Sometimes uhu the roads are not motorable due to the rains and poor maintenance etc, so yup we trek. My able assistant in this village enjoyed doing a video 😂😂

Do you love village life or not your speck?

I leave for the first part of my next mission tomorrow.

If you feel led to join me, join or support Love & Healing Ministries Int , 

Email/paypal is marieabanga@gmail.com 

WhatsApp/momo is +237698914754

God bless us all. #AwesomeGod #ThereIsHopeInJESUS #HolySpiritPower #gratefulthankfulblessed #BeEncouragedToday #EvangMFavour

That step and leap of faith can look like…

#TestimonyTime Living by Faith means taking the 1st step even when you can’t see the end of that stairway. Last Tuesday, longing so much to church at Eden Life & Love Ministries for Bible studies, and having on me only my tithes and one way transport fare, I prayed and set out on foot. 30 minutes into my treking, I had to look at my phone and oh bless God, a sister had sent me 5 k. I continued treking and praising God and was able to pay half of the way to church, I gave an offering and blessed another sister in church too. I am simply so grateful. It is by this same leap of faith that I am ready to go the village of Mfou on Monday for a few days, not knowing anyone, who will host me and how it will go. God knows it all. All my own is to faithfully obey and show up when and wherever my King Jesus orders oooo. I am equally grateful for all the spiritual wings from which I glean such as my Bishop Beryl Esembe Nalova #AwesomeGod #ThereIsHopeInJESUS #HolySpiritPower #BeEncouragedToday #EvangMFavour