Watch “Day 98: Let the Past be Past ooooooooooo” on YouTube

For the past seven days, I was in deep introspection and retrospection, fasting and praying, and having some revelations along the way. The most important one for me as I journey on, is to “Let my Past be Past”. This is the longest vlog I have done since starting out my AR Journey 98 days ago, am simply so grateful and blessed to have gotten this far, learned so much, shared so much, and become so much more. Could letting your Past be Past help you too on your love and healing journey in whatever area of your life? God help us all . Min MAG

Watch “Day 83: Sieving my sources of spiritual food” on YouTube

Do you take time sieve the flour you will use to make bread or cook the fufu you love eating, or not really? I muse today on how I take time to sieve my sources of Spiritual Food because I don’t want to eat just anything for my soul and spirit’s growth, and secondly I need to be vigilant and discerning enough to detach and move on to another source when I have learned what I needed from any source.

May the Good God bless us always with the Grace to sieve our sources of spiritual food, and every other food too oooooo lest we go eat anyhow and from just any source and get poisoined literally  AMEN. Min MAG

40 specials I am grateful for as I turn 40 hurray

40 Things I am grateful for each year of my life

  1. Grateful to be born the bouncy baby I see in pictures;

  2. Grateful I can still remember the day my brother (RIP) was born – as well as my innocent prophecy which came to pass;

  3. Grateful to start primary school directly and be spared a dreaded nursery school (I started class one in September 1981 at 3 years 9 months – my elder sister had had such a bad experience with the nursery school teacher my dad had said no more nursery school for any of his children Amen);

  4. Grateful for all the fun and friends I have in my Deido neighbourhood;

  5. Grateful I am a force to reckon with in primary school, and my brother’s fierce defender whether he was at fault or not (I once fought with 5 girls from class 5 because they threatened my brother whose poop they had been punished to clean up);

  6. Grateful to have a best friend and be allowed by dad to go spend weekends with her family – this kept opening me up to a different life than the one I lived at home;

  7. Grateful to get along well in school without sitting still in class lol (was actually either 1st or 2nd and alternated with that best friend of mine LNM);

  8. Grateful to survive the big move to another city although that had such a price (my resilient spirit was being developed progressively);

  9. Grateful to belong to a group of 4 girls who took themselves seriously lol (this was the beginning of magnectic for real because I wasn’t looking out for friends in that new school but I seemed to attract many and could chose my friends);

  10. Grateful to be voted assistant senior prefect in class 7 (although I had gone there out of punishment by mum for my scatterbrain, that was the beginning of leadership and responsibility);

  11. Grateful to go to boarding school (I loved it so much, took me away from a cold war at home and already tired of all the falling out with mum and co – they eventually split a year later);

  12. Grateful to help my siblings and myself take it all in and adapt to our new lives at dad’s without mum;

  13. Grateful to be sent abroad for a 1 month excursion (visiting France and going on a mini cruise to England was simply wow – I kissed my first guy and he was from Rouen. Come to think I will date a man from Rouen for two great years several years later);

  14. Grateful to be crafty and cunning, and have the survival skills I have which save my brother and I from hunger and abuse countless time (you can tell things had changed drastically, a step mum was now in the picture and two of my siblings had managed to save themselves somehow – my brother and I lived through it all for 2 years);

  15. Grateful to start getting it what loving a boy could really be all about – this came with so much self consciousness and awareness as well as appreciation for life and God;

  16. Grateful to pass Maths O Levels because I had been threatened a repeat of the entire form 5 if I failed just that one subject (needless to say the rebellious arts student in me had given up maths 2 or so years earlier);

  17. Grateful to be that jolly and audacious in high school (just didn’t appreciate the fact it was an all girls’ school especially coming from a mixed school);

  18. Grateful to be more conscious of my studies even though it was still hard for me to sit at it for long lol (I did pass the GCE A’ Levels in the 3 papers I wrote with Bs etc, so fine right?);

  19. Grateful to try it out on my own in the university (finally in a university called UB the place to B, into the world of boyfriends and discoveries);

  20. Grateful I survived that abortion (I was scared to death but even more scared of what mum will do to me if she found out I was pregnant. I knew some had died in the process or risked never getting pregnant and so it was all so traumatizing);

  21. Grateful to graduate from the university with a good GPA and well lots of experiences from informal school lol;

  22. Grateful to start hustling why waiting for what next – the experience in the off license mum opened which I practically stocked, and sold in, and did the inventory of etc. etc. really taught me a lot;

  23. Grateful to settle down in another city with a semblance of a stable life as an intern at a law firm, and sort of responsible for myself;

  24. Grateful to be a mother oh my; circumstances aside, nothing beats this for me;

  25. Grateful to get into network marketing and all I keep learning;

  26. Grateful to get married and learn all the bitter-sweet-bitter lessons I learned from rushing like that into such a very serious thing in life;

  27. Grateful for my job with MTN which takes me round the country and gives me the opportunity to do a lot including buy my own first car, meet many people, and sleep in all sorts of places;

  28. Grateful for David my shepherd born with such gentleness, one he still has 12 years later Amen;

  29. Grateful I survive the loss of my daughter who died a day after she was born. It wasn’t an easy survival for the depression I plunged into led to an attempted suicide a year later;

  30. Grateful I don’t succeed to kill myself and terminate my 5 months old pregnancy in the process – Gaby that baby in the womb kicked me hard just in time. He isn’t named after my brother for nothing I now get it;

  31. Grateful for all my adulteries for they taught me what a mess I had become and the need to salvage myself;

  32. Grateful to leave that marriage one piece, the abuse got worse as time went on both ways and I just had to leave the marriage, my children and my country behind;

  33. Grateful for my time in the desert be it in the UAE, in Tanzania or in Belgium etc– I overcame and learned so much;

  34. Grateful for the new zest to make my mess my message and my tests my testimony;

  35. Grateful I publish my first memoir, the beginning of my big release and journey through forgiveness to all things lovely where I currently live;

  36. Grateful for the wonderful Super Super Hero who took me in and loved me so wonderfully for two years;

  37. Grateful I survived the death of my brother and was only completely down for a month – writing a book about his life was my life line then;

  38. Grateful I can finally finally live with all my sons in our own home – God is Good;

  39. Grateful for all I am learning and sharing and doing and the woman, mother, activist and all I am becoming; and for all the angels on my path;

  40. Grateful God is still saying something and I am listening with rapt attention now Amen.


Definitely a tale of from Hopeless to Hopeful; thank you for all the birthday wishes everyone.

My dream is to open a mental health care support center in my city some months from now. Kindly donate any amount you have to support me, I really appreciate. Here is the link

Posted in From Around!, Journey to Coaching, Marie's Garden

Merry Marie meets Merry Marilyn

Sometimes, human nature goes contrary to this law of physics
Sometimes, human nature goes contrary to this law of physics

I don’t know if the above law of physics works as well for human relations. What I know in my own life is that, I have been more attracted to people with whom I share something in common. Even if we don’t always see or feel this at first glance.

Feeling it at First glance with Marilyn

I didn’t know that an arrangement had been made by an initial host to be picked up from the airport by gracious Marilyn. Although that didn’t happen, she still found it to come by where I had ended up, and to drive me back to that host’s place. I fell in awe with her and could feel the awe some must have had around the one and only Marilyn Monroe.

Marilyn is merry to put it simply. I am merry too by self-baptism. She radiates positive energy and I was just sitting there that first night, listening to her with droping jaws. Men, she knows DC inside out. Needs no GPS. Then Marilyn offered to show me round some of DC’s hot em famous spots.

Sigthseeing and al with Marilyn

Yes Marilyn ain’t Richie and wouldn’t know about the deep south, but she sure knows the White House and Sidwell Friends where the Obama girls go to school. She picked me up from Union Station yesterday just as I came in from NC, and I was honoured. It was 2.30 pm and traffic knew no tolerance. She drove me around the DC mall, Mass Av, and you name the rest. Then we discovered we loved visiting the art museum.

The Great Gallery of Art

Well, that's the art in this picture on my Marilyn - Blurry I know
Well, that’s the art in this picture on my Marilyn – Blurry I know

I love Art and I consider myself a word artist 🙂

We spent two hours in there and just had to leave so she doesn’t get a parking ticket. The pictures are still in my camera but here is one I took with my phone. It may not be gorgoeus, but the feeling is also part of the art 🙂 Wow, this indeed is one big US Adventure and am just on day 7 🙂

A beautiful painting in my opinion
A beautiful painting in my opinion

The pursuit of Happiness

I didn’t know I was going to learn so much from Marlilyn on this subject. I wrote about Who is Who in America before she picked me up. We were chatting like mum and daughter especially after Marilyn found out I was just a year older than her first girl. She told me that one of her daughters had refused to go to private school and works in a restaurant. She says she is happy at that level. Marilyn herself has given up her legal practice and has such a wonderful voice which moves people to tears in her church. She played one of her songs for me on her phone. She is happier doing community and outreach stuffs.

How do you say Thank you?

A friend of mine is almost tired of asking me Thank you for what this time around? I just think I can’t say thank you enough. I wish I could do some thank you time if that existed. There is so much in life to be grateful for. Among them is meeting people each day who impact you in such a tremendous was. Marilyn who has never met me, made the time to pick me up, thrice already, show me around yesterday, and drop me off at my host. I am an emotional person and tears are usually close around when I am this touched. Even when my sister bought me a dress, I supressed tears and really didn’t think she should have gone so out of her way.

And so dear gentle readers and followers, Thank you so much for reading and following my blog. I wish us all to meet people like Marilyn, Richie and al in life…

Thank you very much
Thank you very much